innovative and technological sleeping fabricsITA / EN

DETOX TO ZERO by Oekotex®


OEKO TEX®: OEKO TEX® I class certification standard 100, held by all of our products, complies with the health and ecological requisites necessary to guarantee the absence of substances toxic or harmful to man and the environment. It therefore guarantees both our yarns (from the more commonplace polyesters, cotton and viscose, to the fire retardants and noble fibres such as silver, bamboo, silk, etc.), as well as our finishing treatments.

FIRE RETARDANTS: fire retardant certificates are issued on the basis of all current standards applicable in every country of the world.

GOTS (GLOBAL ORGANIC TEXTILE STANDARD): GOTS is recognized as the most important international standard for the sustainable production of clothing and textile products, made with natural fibers from organic farming, such as cotton.

"STeP by OEKO TEX®" is an independent certification system for brands, retail companies and manufacturers within the textile chain who want to communicate their sustainable production conditions transparently and credibly. The modular structure of the "STeP by OEKO TEX®" certification allows a comprehensive analysis of all relevant company areas such as quality, chemicals and environmental management, environmental performance, health and safety and social responsibility.

AMFORI: Our mission is to allow each of our members to improve human prosperity, use natural resources responsibly and promote open trade globally. We believe in a world where all trade delivers social, environmental and economic benefits for everyone.

IWAY STANDARD®: Minimum Requirements for Environment and Social & Working Conditions when Purchasing Products, Materials and Services.

DETOX TO ZERO by Oekotex®: is a comprehensive verification and reporting system that prepares facilities along the textile chain for the requirements requested by the Detox campaign of Greenpeace.

MEDICARE STOP-VIR®: The Company launches on July 2020 the first fabric for mattresses and pillows tested to Human CoronaVirus (229-E type), which later on will be certified as antiviral to Sars Cov-2 (Covid-19) based on ISO-18184 norm.